Thursday, October 18, 2012

Introducing Jim Tracey Folk Art

Swoon is very pleased to announce the latest addition to its roster of artists: folk artist Jim Tracey.  A sense of humour and careful attention to fine detail is evident in Jim's wood carvings, which range from intricate small scenes to large creations suitable for outdoor display.

Jim Tracey and Alica with a couple of pieces of folk art.
 Here are a few pics from the assortment of his carvings we now have available.  Please visit our website to view more, as well as details of the pieces below!

Freddy the Frog
Laundry Lady


"Spot the Dog" (leaving his mark!)

Apple picker

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

October Installation Shots

Thanks to all who attended the opening reception for our October shows!

This Saturday is the opening of "Creature Feature" the group Halloween show; this show will be installed upstairs to leave the main space and red room intact.  Below are a few shots from our October Featured Artists.  These shows and Creature Feature continue until November 3rd!

"...from the sea" raku rocking boats and other vessels by Carol Smeraldo, mixed media on the walls by Marlene York

New work by Sarah Jane Conklin

another shot of Sarah Jane's work

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Creature Feature - Our 2nd Annual Group Halloween Show!

We're pleased to terrify you with this year's Halloween Show: "Creature Feature"

Please join us Saturday, October 20th from 2 - 5pm for the opening reception!

All works in the show will be posted to our website in the week after the opening reception.

Artists in the show include:
Anne Bastedo, Curtis Botham, Amanda Crewe, Brandt Eisner, Margarita Fainshtein, Peter Francis, Denise Harrietha Anne Launcelott, Shauna MacLeod, Dallas Ning, Susan Paczek, Pamela Marie Pierce, Andrew Quon, Andrea Redmond, Jodi Richardson, Nancy Roberts, Joshua Robinson, Anne Marie Spears, Lyndsey Stacey, Aimee Swikit and Teresa Young.

See you spooked Swoon!